Checkmate in Love: The Hidden Rules of the Dating Game

Two best friends laughing with underlying romantic tension

Falling in Love: Happenstance or Masterstroke?

Let me drop some truth here. You're in charge of your own love saga, folks. You're the skipper steering your love boat towards the mystical island of ‘Happily Ever After.’ It’s like the iconic poem, Invictus, you're the boss of your fate, the lead actor in your romantic comedy.

The Curious Case of Best Friends in Love

Picture this: Your best friend, the one who's stuck around through your dramatic breakups and weird obsessions, happens to be of the opposite sex. You've both been in this Platonic purgatory for years, believing that dating each other would be as disastrous as pineapple on pizza. I beg to differ!

In this energy-charged dance, there's always one doing the tango of love. Often, this tango manifests subtly, hidden under layers of friendly banter and harmless suggestions.

The Friendzone Chronicles: When He's the One Waiting

Once upon a time, I had a client. Let's call him John. John was stuck in this situation, holding a torch for his best friend who was blissfully unaware. Over the years, he silently filled her love bucket but never managed to refill his own. As John's romantic energy turned into sexual tension, he struggled to make her see his feelings for her. His other relationships fell apart because all his love was parked in her heart, leaving only negativity to share with others. All the while, his best friend remained oblivious to his coded messages, resulting in a self-fulfilling prophecy of a relationship doomed before it even began.

When She's the One Patiently Waiting in the Wings

Flip the coin and meet Jane, another client. Jane was filling up her love tank, banking on her best friend to eventually see the light. But here's the tricky part. Jane, just like many of us, had her insecurities. She questioned if her love was enough, if her capacity to love was as big as she thought. And you know what? Her insecurities were like a brick, blocking the way to her heart and holding back the love she truly deserved.

The Love-At-First-Sight Misconception

Let's clear one thing up, folks. The idea that things just ‘happen’ - nah, it’s a myth. Remember that steamy eye contact with a stranger at a party? It was no random coincidence, darling. Those shared emotions were all because he turned up the charm, lit the spark, and played the game of attraction with finesse.

Key Points:

  • Love doesn’t just happen; it’s the result of subtle hints, underlying desires, and conscious actions.
  • The dynamic between best friends of opposite genders often involves unexpressed love and sexual tension.
  • These hidden feelings affect their relationships with others, leading to dissatisfaction and failure.
  • Understanding and accepting one’s emotional capacity is key to successful relationships.
  • Love-at-first-sight is usually the result of carefully orchestrated moves, not mere happenstance.

Revving Up Your Love Life: Powering Relationships with High Octane Energy!

A couple deeply in love, filled with high-octane energy.

Hey, lovers and love-seekers! Buckle up because we're about to embark on a tantalizing journey into the high-octane world of relationships and that elusive attribute we like to call S.W.A.G. Ready? Good, because I’m dying to share some dynamite insights, served with a side of flirty humor.

Fire up with the Energy Types

You're all too familiar with gas stations, right? Now, imagine people—yes, you and me—as those fascinating fuel pumps. Men are the generators, creating energy that women happily store. Oh, but don't underestimate our female counterparts, they've got their own sustainable energy production, too!

Regular is the energy equivalent of that late-night Netflix binge—an easy fix but not so great in the long run. Next, we've got Plus, the classy energy of love—think of it as the Dom Pérignon of feelings. And finally, Premium, the racehorse of energies, powerful, intense, and hmmm... sexually charged!

Let me share a little secret from my younger years. I was a total Regular guy—cheap, readily available, but somewhat destructive. Once I discovered my Plus and Premium energy, my love life shifted gears dramatically. Trust me, unleashing your inner Lamborghini beats being a clunky old jalopy.

Choosing your Energy Bucket

Now, let's talk about that perplexing puzzle. Why do men pick women with small energy buckets, and women opt for men who can’t quite fill theirs up? Brace yourself for a sharp turn into the intriguing world of S.W.A.G.

Men often lean towards a smaller bucket—mostly due to a love-first, sex-second approach. It’s like expecting a juicy steak dinner and settling for a quick burger. Sure, it's tasty, but it leaves you craving for more. Ladies, on the other hand, are quite the tacticians. They pick guys who just can’t fill their buckets, making them spill all their love and sexual energy. Clever, isn’t it?

The Alpha Energy Gamble

Some crafty folks have cracked the code of this energy dance. Ever seen a guy driving a Bentley on a McDonald’s salary? That's a perfect metaphor for someone releasing sexual energy before love. It’s like the Plus energy gets bumped to the backseat. The downside? It's a rather bumpy ride and can end up with one’s heart in the repair shop.

Women pull off a similar trick. They find men who give it all but still leave some room in the bucket. This constant shortfall pushes them to refill their own buckets or stick with the memory of the man who once did.

S.W.A.G. - Your Love Life's Secret Weapon

Time for the grand reveal: S.W.A.G. is the magic touch that converts this chaotic energy dance into a passionate tango. It's your unique charm, your irresistible smile, your special brand of charisma, and your boundless energy all wrapped into one. With S.W.A.G, you're like a magnet for both sexes. Everyone wants a piece of your energy, and boy, are you ready to share!

When women channel their S.W.A.G, they become an irresistible force. Men are drawn to them like bees to honey, competing to fill their big buckets.

Key Points:

  • Energy Types: Understand the Regular, Plus, and Premium energy in relationships.
  • Choosing your Energy Bucket: Uncover why men pick women with smaller energy buckets and women opt for men who can’t quite fill theirs.
  • The Alpha Energy Gamble: Learn about the risky strategy of releasing sexual energy before love.
  • S.W.A.G. - Your Love Life's Secret Weapon: Discover how S.W.A.G can turbocharge your love life.

Reality vs. Unreality: The Lover's Guide to Living in the World of 'Unrealistic

A man and woman lost in each other's gaze, symbolizing the connection between 'realistic' and 'unrealistic'.

Unveiling the Mystery of 'Realistic'

Look, my dear friend, we're constantly thrown around by this concept of 'realistic', right? And as a renowned Relationship Consultant who doubles as an imaginary scholar, I'd like to peel away this mysterious word layer by layer, like unwrapping a passionate lover's gift.

The word 'realistic'. Seems pretty concrete, right? But let's get frisky with it. Breaking it down, 'real' suggests something tangible, while the suffixes 'ist' and 'ic' infuse it with personality and action. Kind of like that hot friend of yours, 'simplistic'—it's all about embracing simplicity, isn't it? Just like her husband who thrives on 'simplistic' instructions while assembling a Swedish flat pack chest.

Taking a Dip in the Pool of 'Realistic'

Coming back to 'realistic', here's the delicious contradiction: if you're 'realistic', you're presumably someone who deals with tangible realities. But does that make 'unrealistic' folks out-of-touch dreamers? Not so fast! In the game of life, what truly is 'real'?

As your Swagger Coxch, let me tease you with a thought. What if being 'unrealistic' is the way to go? Can you recall those daring brothers, who dared to dream of flying like birds? Or that old man, weary of his horse, who envisioned mechanized transport? Once upon a time, even flicking a switch to light your room was deemed 'unrealistic'.

Love: The 'Unrealistic' Ruler of the Universe

Let's spice things up with love—an entity that teases us with its intangible existence. Yet, when you encounter it, its presence is unmistakable, like the electric charge of a first kiss. Love—the most 'unrealistic' yet potent force—shapes realities and births deities. It transforms the mundane into the extraordinary.

When we shun love, we shackle our imagination, robbing ourselves of boundless opportunities. Love fuels positivity, guiding the Universe to respond likewise. Ever wonder why you attract situations that reflect your deepest fears or desires? The Universe is just matching your energy.

Reality vs. Unreality: Flipping the Coin

So, let's play a little game. Imagine a coin toss—the reality and unreality, both possibilities spinning in the air, shrouded in uncertainty. Whichever side it lands on, isn't the unseen side still as real as the visible one?

In this cosmic game of 'unrealistic', isn't it thrilling to think that out of millions, two people can find each other, connecting from different worlds and backgrounds? Love, like Adam's elusive rib, is an unseen treasure, waiting to be discovered, embraced, and cherished.

Key Points:

  • The terms 'realistic' and 'unrealistic' are two sides of the same coin.
  • Love, an 'unrealistic' concept, has transformative power and fuels positivity.
  • Our beliefs shape our realities.
  • The Universe responds to the energy we emit.

As always, darling, remember to be fuching selfish—bask in your happiness and let others see their reflection in your joy.

"If you can't see your success, change your vantage point"

The Naked Truth: How Porn is Ruining Your Game

Sensual touch, the art of connection

The Naked Truth: How Porn is Sabotaging Your Dating Mojo

Hey there, curious souls! Ever wondered why approaching women seems like an uphill battle? Let's rewind and dive deep into the tantalizing world of the past. Back in the day, catching a glimpse of nudity was like finding buried treasure. National Geographic or fuzzy cable channels were our tantalizing gateways to the forbidden.

But oh boy, times have changed! The internet unleashed an avalanche of explicit content, available at a moment's notice. It's a world where desires run wild, but could this relentless access be messing with our real-life connections?

Hold on tight, folks! We're about to uncover the naked truth about porn's impact on your dating skills. Don't worry, we won't leave you hanging.

Chapter 1: Back in the Day

The Hunt for Nudity Let's reminisce about the days when sneaking a peek required serious effort. No instant gratification, my friends. We had to rely on good ol' National Geographic or, if lucky, softcore cable channels. And if you were without cable, well, squiggly lines became your bittersweet enemy. Talk about a treasure hunt!

Chapter 2: The Visualization Trap

Fantasy vs. Reality Ah, the power of imagination. Our brains possess this incredible ability called visualization. It lets us step into the shoes of those lucky devils on the screen and pretend we're the ones in action. But be warned, my friends, relying too much on these fantasies can leave you high and dry in the real world of dating. It's time to separate fact from fiction.

Chapter 3: Naughty Lessons

Technique or Just Smoke and Mirrors? Porn teaches us a thing or two, right? Well, sort of. While you might pick up a move or two, let's face it, real connection goes beyond what happens on the screen. Trust me, I've had my fair share of experiments. It's all about practice, my friends, and learning what truly ignites those flames of desire.

Chapter 4: Ladies

Social Media is Your Seductive Vice Oh, ladies, don't think you're off the hook! Social media has become your own seductive playground. From envy-inducing relationship posts to bitter rants about men, it's a never-ending soap opera. But here's the catch: investing too much in these online tales can leave you with unrealistic expectations in the dating game.

Chapter 5: The Illusion of Love

When Online Meets Offline Picture-perfect couples, dreamy quotes, and endless relationship updates—social media makes you crave that fairytale romance. But guess what? Those carefully curated profiles rarely reflect reality. Don't fall into the trap of forcing connections that aren't really there. It's time to break free from the virtual illusion and embrace genuine experiences.

Chapter 6: Breaking Free

Escaping the Porn Spell Ready to shed the shackles of the porn-induced haze? We're here to guide you. It's time to set realistic expectations, ditch the scripted fantasies, and rediscover the joy of genuine connections. Trust me, the rewards are worth the journey.

Key Points:

  • Porn creates unrealistic expectations and hinders genuine connections.
  • Visualization can be both thrilling and detrimental to real-life interactions.
  • Technique from porn is just a small part of what makes a fulfilling relationship.
  • Social media can distort your perception of love and hinder your dating success.
  • Breaking free from the porn and social media spell leads to authentic connections and true satisfaction.

Decisions, Decisions: The Sweet Torture of Having Options

Man contemplating choices

The Delicious Dilemma of Decision Making

The drumroll before the curtain rises. That's where we find ourselves when we're presented with options. It's a tantalizing dance between what could be and what is. Is the availability of choices a divine gift or an insidious curse? That's the puzzle I've been contemplating since my last post.

The Cost of Cognition: Paying with Time

The price tag for these musings? Merely the minutes ticking away as you read and digest my thoughts. But, am I satisfied with this arrangement? The answer is a muddled yes and no. Sure, I pledged to dispense my wisdom freely, but don't mistake that for lack of desire for substantial compensation. The 'free' approach keeps my expectations low but should I be hungrier?

Picture This: A Fridge Full of Food and No Appetite

I'm a sucker for painting vivid mental pictures, so bear with me. Imagine yourself peckish, not ravenous, just enough to stir from the couch and saunter to the fridge. You swing open the door, greeted by a feast fit for a king. So, what do you do? You close the door, retreat to the couch, and wait till starvation strikes. Then you grab whatever will satiate your hunger fastest.

Choices, Choices: The Paradox of Plenty

This metaphorical dance mirrors the quandaries of those 'commitment-phobe' men. The men who have "the threecies," that irresistible cocktail of charm, charisma, and confidence, find themselves in a unique conundrum—the dilemma of options. The buffet of potential partners stretches out before them, tempting and tantalizing. Is broccoli appealing when you're hungry? Absolutely, unless there's pizza.

The Side Effects of Options: Regret and Anxiety

With a smorgasbord of choices, committing feels like inviting regret. The angst of making a decision, followed by the depression of potentially making the 'wrong' one, is the byproduct of having options. When you have a single option, your expectations are modest, and decision-making is stress-free. But the more options you have, the higher your expectations skyrocket.

Opportunity Costs: The Unseen Price Tag

In the world of commerce, there's this term called 'opportunity cost'—the potential benefit lost by not choosing the alternative. This could only be determined by comparing one option to another, thus creating a new option. Let's picture this: You play the Mega Millions, you hit the jackpot and win a million dollars. Hooray! But wait, what if you could've won eighty million?

The Dangerous Dance of Desire: Infidelity and Commitment

This concept spills over into why some men cheat or avoid commitment. When you choose a partner based on fleeting moments of confidence, the dynamics change post-marriage. The security of having someone at home fuels your confidence, leading you down the path of desiring more.

The Art of Decision Making: Black and White

So, what's my advice? Embrace the binary—life or death, chase dreams or don't, make a choice or not. When faced with multiple choices, pick confidently, knowing that it's the right choice at that moment. Learn from every decision and realize there's no such thing as a 'wrong' choice. As Jay-Z puts it, "I will not lose for even in defeat, there's a valuable lesson learned." So, let's embrace our options, and remember, the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Boom!

Key Points:

  1. Having options can feel both liberating and overwhelming.
  2. With many choices, decision-making can induce anxiety and regret.
  3. Opportunity cost is the potential gain we lose by not choosing the alternative.
  4. Confidence in decision making leads to learning and growth.
  5. Embrace your choices, and remember, no choice is ever 'wrong'.

Selfishness is Sexy: Unleash the Power of Loving Yourself!

A confident woman loving herself

Selfishness is Sexy: Unleash the Power of Loving Yourself!

Is it just me, or does the term "selfish" carry a ridiculously bad rap? I'm here to tell you that being selfish isn't a crime. In fact, it can be a saving grace, especially when it comes to dating and relationships. Ladies, it's time to be the star of your own show!

Loving Yourself: The Oxygen Mask Theory

Imagine this. You're on a plane, and the oxygen masks drop down. What's the first thing you do? Secure your mask, then assist others. You see, you can't help anyone else if you're gasping for air. The same principle applies in love: you can't truly love someone else if you don't first love yourself.

Single and Selfish: Love Thyself, Change Your Dating Game

Here's a hard pill to swallow: you're single because you're not in love with yourself. Yes, I said it. Too often, we're chasing the idea of love, ignoring the essential fact that love must begin within.

When you don't love yourself, you're prone to settling, accepting less than you deserve. Self-love means setting boundaries, recognizing your worth, and not allowing anyone to devalue you.

Sell the Impulse Buy: Be Unforgettable, Not a Quick Pick

You're not a bargain buy; you're a luxury. When you love yourself, you're not a last-minute, quick pick. You're the primary reason someone walks into the store.

Social Pressures: Stop Letting Others Define Your Happiness

Isn't it time you stopped letting societal pressures dictate your happiness? If you love staying home, do it. Love to travel? Pack your bags! The key is to understand what brings you joy, then fearlessly pursue it.

Loving yourself and prioritizing your happiness reduces your dependence on external validation. It reduces the anxiety of needing someone else to fill your life's gaps. It puts you in control.

In conclusion, be SELFISH, ladies. Put your happiness first. Learn to love yourself so deeply that when someone treats you less than you deserve, you recognize it. And then, unapologetically walk away.

After all, self-love isn't just about dating; it's about living a fulfilling life!

From Love's Pawn to King: Unlocking Your Market Value in Romance

A man and woman flirtatiously drinking wine on the floor

Strut onto the Love Market: Know Your Worth

Before we dive headfirst into the whirlpool of love, I'll tease you with this: Falling for a partner's potential rather than their reality is like building a mansion on quicksand. Hold that thought, darling, and let's begin.

The Sexy Economics of Love

Dating isn't much different from shopping for a new set of wheels – it's all about knowing your value and not settling for a clunker. The lessons of love begin early in life. When our familial trees intertwine and root deeply, we, as the budding fruits, get the best chance to blossom – not just survive, but truly thrive.

Think about it: two trees, side by side, entwining roots for stronger growth. They nurture their fruits – us – with doubled attention, allowing us to fully ripen. But a single tree? It's too busy ensuring the bare minimum: survival, not thriving. The message here? Whether we’re talking trees or parents, doubling up usually leads to better results.

The Ways of the Wang and the Dance of Dating

Now, what happens when one parental figure, say “Daddy,” goes AWOL? That’s when our market values get skewed. We become a shiny sports car that doesn't know it’s worth more than a second-hand sedan.

Who taught me the "Ways of the Wang"? A menagerie of characters, led by my dad, backed up by a chorus line of soul singers, and late-night radio talks. They infiltrated my subconscious with their smooth tunes and nuggets of wisdom, shaping my understanding of my worth, and how to strut it on the dating catwalk.

Revving Up Your Relationship Engine

The key is understanding our roles in the market of love: Men need to learn to be discerning buyers, and women need to learn to be chosen with dignity and confidence. In a world muddied with gender confusion, these traditional roles are essential in creating balanced, thriving relationships.

Women, like Mother Earth, are our fertile ground for planting the seeds of love and nurturing fruitful relationships. Men, on the other hand, need to choose wisely where they sow their seeds.

Wrap It with a Bow: Presenting Your Package

How you present yourself is your packaging – and darling, it's crucial. It’s your teaser, your movie trailer, your sneak peek. It’s what makes someone decide whether you're worth the time to get to know, or not.

Let’s not fool ourselves, after puberty hits, a substantial part of a man's drive revolves around sex. It's in understanding this drive, and harnessing its power, that we can become savvy operators in the marketplace of love.

From the Runway to the Marketplace

Style and appearance play a critical role in our love lives. With gay men influencing the fashion world, we see a blur in the line separating masculine and feminine dressing. This crossover style confuses the marketplace, and consequently, our choices in it.

The Lust of Love: A Powerful Force

The power of attraction is evident in tales as old as time. From Helen of Troy to Delilah, men have done unthinkable things driven by desire. The key lies in knowing your worth and leveraging it to command respect and commitment.

Key Points:

  1. Your value in the relationship market starts with understanding your worth.
  2. The "Ways of the Wang" provide a man's perspective on navigating love.
  3. Men and women need to understand their roles in the market of love.
  4. Packaging, or how you present yourself, is crucial in the dating world.
  5. Style has a significant influence on the dating landscape.

Don't Let Today's You Pick Your Forever Mate

An image of a man looking into a mirror, reflecting his future self.

Who's Picking Your 'Eleanor'?

Hey, you, yes, you! What if I told you that the secret to a blissful relationship could be lurking in your future, rather than your present? Picture this, your dream Eleanor (yup, that irresistible Ford Mustang from "Gone in 60 seconds") may not be the model you settle for today because of your current confidence level.

Imagine if your future self, the one you aspire to become, chose your partner. This confident, successful future self knows his value and chooses a mate who's truly compatible. Mind-blowing, right?

Don't Sell Yourself Short!

I knew this dude, let's call him Bob. Bob was good-looking, funny, and all around great guy. But Bob didn't see his value. He thought women only saw him as a friend. Fast forward a few years, and he's dating someone who probably felt the same way he did. Could be love... or maybe they both just ran out of options. Don't be like Bob.

The True Cost of Compromise

Remember that Eleanor? You wanted her, but you settled for the cheaper model because you didn't believe the real Eleanor would still be available. That's the confidence talking, and it's messing with your happiness. Now, what happens when you discover Eleanors are not that rare after all? You're stuck with Old Faithful, which doesn't quite cut it.

Rising to Your Value

Let's shift gears. You're in a relationship, and all's going well. Suddenly, your value shoots up. You've been promoted, lost weight, or came into a windfall. Congrats, Big Boss, you can now afford the real Eleanor! But wait, you're already with someone. You're loyal, so you resist the allure of the shiny new Eleanors.

But then, your dream Eleanor is offered to you for a test drive, no strings attached. Can you resist? If Old Faithful starts giving you trouble, chances are, you're going for that test drive.

The Costly Aftermath

So you cave in, test-drive that Eleanor and get lured in by the attention it brings. You can't afford both, so you let Old Faithful sit in the garage, while you splurge on Eleanor. But guess what? Someone else notices Old Faithful and sees the value you missed.

Back to Square One

Your shiny new Eleanor turns out to be a lemon. And while you're dealing with the fallout, Old Faithful has moved on, possibly upgraded by her new owner. If you're lucky enough to get Old Faithful back, she's not the same anymore.

Key Points:

  1. Your future self should choose your partner, not your current confidence level.
  2. Don't settle for less because of a perceived scarcity. True love isn't a limited edition Eleanor.
  3. Your value can change, but your commitment should remain.
  4. Moving on to a shiny new Eleanor might cost you your Old Faithful.

This humorous and slightly twisted journey is to help you understand the psychology of love and relationships. If you've ever wondered why people cheat, it might be because they didn't test enough Eleanors to recognize the value of Old Faithful. So, strap in, and let's find our true Eleanors together!

You're Perfect! Discover Your Worth Through The Divine Value System

Adam and Eve in paradise

The Divine Value System: Understanding Your Worth

From the dawn of creation, the divine has marked a unique place for each of us in the value system. The Almighty, Man, Woman, and Child, each is intertwined with the other, illuminating their worth and value.

The Almighty's Identity Through Man

The divine recognises its omnipotence by creating man. Man, in turn, plays a vital role in the cycle of life, contributing to the creation of woman and, eventually, child. Strip away man, and the divine's power remains intact, but its manifestation would be lost. In essence, women and children wouldn't exist. This delicate balance has been skewed in recent times.

Unraveling the Origin: Adam, Eve, and the Forbidden Fruit

The divine breathed life into Adam, confirming its godly status. Then, crafting Eve from Adam's rib, it ignited a love that was truly divine. Adam and Eve, the first companions, loved without the knowledge of gender. They were simply best friends in paradise.

The Almighty, to maintain harmony, entrusted Adam with a single rule. Yet, to instill value in Eve, He gave her the ultimate choice - to eat or not to eat from the forbidden tree.

Eve's Journey to Self-Realization

Eve couldn't sow seeds or plow fields, nor should she have to. Her worth would be discovered in motherhood. This divine plan could only unfold if the Almighty remained silent, offering Eve the choice to acknowledge her divine origin.

Note: Throughout time, teachings have referred to the divine as HIM or a MAN. This is used here for consistency, acknowledging that the Almighty is all-encompassing.

The option to eat from the tree had to be there. Only by tasting the forbidden fruit together could Adam and Eve awaken to their true identities.

Embrace Your Perfection: A Modern Perspective

Fast-forward several centuries, and this divine truth remains as relevant as ever - You're perfect! 'Perfection' is the pinnacle of what one can be. If there's an exact copy of something, it's perfect. Let's use a pencil for instance.

The Uniqueness of YOU - The Ultimate Perfection

Remember, you're unique, one-of-a-kind. That alone makes you perfect. The illusion of imperfection arises only when you compare yourself to others. You might crave someone else's physique, features, or hair, but consider this - it takes at least five different people to measure up to your uniqueness.

Closing Note:

Now that you understand your divine origin and purpose, it's time to embrace your perfection. You're perfect, just as you are!

Key Points:

  • Understand the divine value system and the roles of God, Man, Woman, and Child
  • Explore the story of Adam and Eve and the choice that defined their identities
  • Learn about your unique worth and perfection