Unraveling the Mystery: Submissiveness or Shared Responsibility?

A couple working together, symbolizing balanced relationship dynamics.


The age-old debate about relationship dynamics and gender roles has sparked countless conversations. Often, the misunderstanding lies in the concept of submissiveness. Is catering to your partner a sign of being submissive? It all comes down to perspective and the value you attach to the work you do.

The Myth of 50-50

Many believe that everything in a relationship should be fifty-fifty. But what exactly constitutes 'half'? Let's delve into a common scenario: a stay-at-home wife. Imagine a woman who manages all household chores, prepares meals, and contributes to the intimate side of the relationship. Is she submissive, or is she contributing in her unique way?

To the contrary, this woman is a queen. Why? Because her partner goes out to provide for her while she creates a nurturing and comfortable home. She's a homemaker, not a servant.

Mastermind Group: A Team Effort

Let's consider a 'mastermind group' analogy. This term refers to a group of two or more people moving in the same direction towards a common goal. When both partners contribute their unique skills and ideas, the relationship benefits. However, a problematic factor is the increasing need for individual credit, fuelled by a surge in pride.

When the couple tastes success, it should be a 'we' moment, not a 'look-at-me' celebration. Similarly, in times of struggle, the focus should be on finding a better strategy together, not blaming one another. The real fifty-fifty scenario is when both partners understand and respect the matriarch and patriarch roles, realizing that both masculine and feminine energies coexist in each individual.

Teamwork and Confidence

The cornerstone of a healthy relationship is understanding that it's a team effort. Submissiveness is more about internal programming than external actions. If a woman cooks and cleans while the man earns, it doesn't necessarily signify submissiveness. It could instead be a mutual agreement based on individual skills and preferences.

However, it's vital for both partners to have confidence in the relationship and its longevity. Instead of focusing on 'what ifs' and insecurity, focus on building a life together where you're both comfortable and satisfied with your contributions.


Remember, it doesn't matter who gets the credit as long as you work as a team in both triumph and defeat. So, if you find yourself in a traditional role, don't let societal norms define your perception. Embrace your role, be confident, and remember that every task contributes to the strength of the relationship.

Key Points:

  1. Catering to your partner doesn't necessarily mean you're submissive.
  2. It's essential to understand the value of the work you do in a relationship.
  3. A successful relationship thrives on teamwork, where both partners contribute their unique skills and ideas.
  4. Submissiveness is more about internal programming than external actions.
  5. Confidence in the relationship and its longevity is crucial.