Dodge The Life-Suckers: How to Survive Your Personal Zombie Apocalypse

While watching TWD I realized something... The Zombies are a metaphor for our daily lives. Here is a synopsis of the Zombies:

  1.  They are dead.
  2. They walk around searching for humans to kill.
  3. After they kill you, they convert you to being a Zombie.
  4. They're dead but they need to feed.
  5. They feed on the not-currently dead. 
  6. Noises trigger them.
  7. Fire triggers them.

Any time you're doing something different the Zombies attack. Let's say you're trying to save money, the Zombies attack by saying you can't take it with you or wanting a handout. If you're trying to better yourself, they attack by telling you that you aren't schit and your idea will never work. Let's say that you want to talk to that girl that everyone in your group think is so awesome, but they convince you that you can't get her.

Can the family be zombies?

Zombies can be spouses.

The Walking Dead Among Us

Welcome to your personal "Walking Dead" episode! Except the zombies here don't crave brains; they're your family, your frenemies, and the envious ones trying to suck the life out of your dreams. Talk about an episode twist!

Scenario One: The Gold Rush Attack

Imagine, you're determined to be the next Bill Gates, sitting on a pile of cash. You're furiously devouring books about riches, saving money, and staying disciplined. But boom! Enter the zombies. They're clawing at your well-earned cash, trying to drag you down to their level of mindlessness. Remember that scene from "World War Z" when the zombies pile up to breach the wall? Just like that!

Scenario Two: Attack of the Dream Snatchers

Now, picture this: You've got a million-dollar idea that gets your heart racing. You've planted this entrepreneurial seed in your mind, and it's sprouting. But wait! Here come the zombies again, groaning that your idea is unoriginal, or worse, that YOU can't do it. If you let them, these zombies might just nip your dream in the bud. I bet you didn't think your life was this much like a George Romero movie, did you?

Scenario Three: Love Bites and Zombie Fights

Step into the romantic battleground. Whether you're the unlikely heartthrob or the suave charmer, the girl of your dreams has fallen for you. But love is never without its zombies. If you're the underdog, male zombies will think they have a shot at your girl, while the female zombies suddenly see you as more desirable. If you're the charmer, the female zombies remain a threat, but male zombies target your girl, hoping to draw you out. Sounds like an episode of "The Bachelor: Zombie Edition", doesn't it?

Scenario Four: When Success Breeds Zombies

So, you've made it! You're rich, successful, and have built a fortress around yourself. But just one tiny stumble, and the zombies are on you like a pack on fresh meat. Our poor friend Steve Harvey can vouch for this; he was living large until one mistake set the zombies swarming. Talk about a drama-filled reality show, right?

Zombie or Alive: The Choice Is Yours!

The zombie life may seem easy: no ambition, no effort, just mindless existence. It's like choosing to watch reruns instead of trying a new series. But wouldn't you rather script your own show? Leave the dull, monotonous drone behind, and let's hear your battle cry against the walking dead!

Key Points:

  1. Zombies are everywhere: your family, friends, or colleagues who try to bring you down.
  2. They attack when you're trying to accumulate wealth, innovate, or find love.
  3. Falling into a zombie-like state is easy, but it's a dull and monotonous existence.
  4. Break free from the zombies and script your own success story.

Male Emotion: R&B's Missing Beat

man playing music symbolizing the need for male emotional expression in music.


You know that classic Jay-Z line, "I can't see it coming down my eyes, so I got to make the song cry"? Pure genius from his 2001 album, 'The Blueprint'.

It came back to me recently while chilling to some Babyface tunes and pondering life's mysteries, and it dawned on me - the male R&B artist, the ones who poured their souls out in their lyrics, have practically gone extinct!

One of my current favorite tracks? That's gotta be VSOP by K. Michelle. A killer beat with powerful female-centric lyrics. But here's the thing - why do I feel like a misfit for emotionally vibing with these words?

The Challenge for Men

Our society has always peddled this image of men as tough and emotionless. From a young age, we're schooled to mask our feelings, wear an iron shell, and put on a brave face.

If something's bothering us, we're told to either duck for cover or toughen up so it doesn't faze us anymore. And if we're not taught these emotion-management skills, we end up suppressing our feelings until they explode in fits of rage and frustration.

The Role of Music in the Past

Back in the day, the radio was our ally, our therapist. If you were feeling miffed with your girl, the DJ would magically spin Al Green's "Let's Stay Together". The lyrics, they spoke to us, guiding our reactions.

And when we hit the road, we had the likes of Jon B., Usher, Tyrese, and Dru Hill riding shotgun. Their tunes gave us a sense of solidarity, reminding us we weren't alone in our struggles.

But the radio has changed its tune now. Today, it's more about hoes, bitches, and thots - not exactly the kind of content that fosters emotional maturity, is it?

The Absence of Men's Voices

Men, inherently, are conditioned to learn about strategy, camaraderie, and competition. When Boys II Men sang "I'll make love to you", they taught us tenderness and mutual respect. When R. Kelly crooned, he coached us on intimacy.

However, the current music scene is like a basketball court without a coach, leaving men without a playbook for understanding their feelings.

The Need for Male Emotional Expression

In an ideal world, embracing both masculinity and femininity should be encouraged. But today, we're living in a world where men, not necessarily the tough ones, are subconsciously compelled to act tough.

And since the current chart-toppers are mostly women, we're left decoding their lyrics to find echoes of our own experiences. These songs are crucial for empathizing with women's experiences, but what about male emotional expression?

Men are left without a musical guide, forced to navigate their feelings on their own.


There's a glaring gap in the music scene that needs to be filled. It's time to bring back the male artists who aren't afraid to make their songs cry. Because, just like Jay-Z, sometimes we can't see it coming down our eyes, but we've got feelings to express too.

Key Points:

  1. The representation of male emotional expression in music has dwindled.
  2. Society often pressures men to suppress their emotions.
  3. In the past, radio and music acted as a guide for men dealing with emotional situations.
  4. The current music scene lacks a male perspective on emotional experiences.
  5. There is a need for a revival of music that expresses male emotional vulnerability.

Cherishing Our Differences: Why 'Think Like a Man, Act Like a Woman' is a Misconception

A man and a woman, each with a thought bubble symbolizing their unique thoughts.

Understanding Each Other - Debunking the Misconception

The statement "think like a man, act like a woman" has often been misconstrued and adopted by many. However, attempting to do this could lead to disconnect from one's authentic self, leading to an unnecessary identity crisis. Understanding each other doesn't mean thinking like each other, rather it means cherishing our differences and appreciating individual gifts.

The Unhealthy Escape

Many resort to drugs and alcohol as a way of evading reality, a means to justify certain behaviors or decisions. For instance, when confronted with a challenging situation like losing a job, some people drown their sorrows in alcohol instead of confronting and dealing with the issue.

A similar evasion of reality could be the belief that you can "think like a man". This thought may provide a temporary solace and justification for the absence of a partner in your life. But trying to think like a man to attract one would be as futile as hunting your prey by becoming like them—it simply doesn't work.

The Story of Creation

Reflecting upon a well-known story may help unravel the concept better. Consider the biblical tale of creation. God created man, named Adam, in His own image. Adam's task was to tend the land, cultivate it. Understanding man's motivation, God created Eve from Adam's rib as a unique and powerful reason for Adam to strive and thrive.

In this narrative, Eve was created to motivate Adam, not the other way around. Despite originating from the same body, they were not given the same mind. The story illustrates that men and women were not designed to think alike—if we thought like each other, we'd be each other.

Embracing Our Differences

Contrary to popular belief, understanding each other is not about mastering the mindset of the opposite gender by reading a book or adopting their thought process. Such attempts might even prove detrimental, turning a man into a perceived threat if his actions are used against him.

The moral of this tale lies in cherishing our individuality and not forcing ourselves to think or act the same. It reinforces the adage, "ignorance is bliss". For instance, a successful businessperson doesn't need to know everything—they just need to hire someone who does. We need to appreciate each other for our unique gifts and invest our most valuable asset—time—in understanding and loving one another.

Remember: "I appreciate everyone, everything, and every event, whether seen or unseen, that led to me being me at every stage of me." - Swagger Coxch

Master Your Goals: The Hidden Dangers of Justifying!

Dawn of the Excuses

Ever wake up, feeling like a truck ran over you, and thought, "Oh boy, the gym can wait! I need some beauty sleep!"? We've all been there. Classic excuse territory. But hey, as that cheeky proverb goes, "Excuses are tools of incompetence".

Enter Justifying: Excuses' Sinister Cousin

Justifying isn’t merely making up an internal alibi; it’s pinning the blame on an external entity. Missed gym? Blame it on the irresistible comfort of your cozy bed. The sneaky game of justifying is probably why your goals feel like that last piece of cake—always just out of reach!

A Slice of Justification: Auntie’s Mac n' Cheese

Picture this: You're tantalizingly close to losing those last five pounds. But then, the aroma of your Auntie’s famous Mac n' Cheese wafts through the air. You think, “Just one plate, I’ll burn it off in the gym tomorrow.” Except, tomorrow you bring home a plate full and decide you’ll make up for it the day after. You see where I’m going with this?

The Blame Game: Justifying Takes the Crown

Before you know it, you’re on a guilt-fueled, carb-loaded rollercoaster, pointing fingers at everyone but yourself. Blame Auntie’s Mac for being too tasty. Blame the gym for its too forgiving 'Open 24/7' sign. You then stand on the scale, hoping for mercy, only to find an extra eight pounds! Ouch!

The Art of Justifying: Strategizing Excuses

Justifying morphs into an elaborate scheme to dodge accountability. For instance, ever found yourself in the arms of someone who isn't your significant other? You might try to blame it on the irresistible charms of that co-worker or perhaps the smooth allure of tequila shots.

The Invisible Enemy: Dislike Unjustified

What about the person you’ve never met but don’t like? You’d probably justify your disdain by criticizing their dress sense or demeanor. Justifying is a peculiar beast. It's about pleasing others, but it also nudges you to twist situations in your favor.

Saying No: Your New Best Friend

Remember, though, you're allowed to say NO! No justification, no excuse needed. Most folks will let it slide. But let’s not fall into the trap of the proverbial incompetence tools, shall we?

Swagger Coach Wisdom

“I appreciate everyone, everything, and every event, whether seen or unseen, that led to me being me at every stage of me." - Swagger Coxch

Key Takeaways:

  1. Justifying is worse than making excuses—it places blame externally.
  2. Justifying often derails us from achieving our goals.
  3. We all justify actions or feelings in one way or another.
  4. Remember, it's okay to say no without giving an excuse or justification.

Tied in Love? Discover the Spicy Secret of Master & Slave Dynamics!

A silhouette of a couple caught in a passionate dance, representing the Master-Slave dynamic.

The Delicate Meaning of Mastery and Slavery

The words of Swagger Coxch pierce through the veil of obscurity, "A slave that does not appreciate the fruit of their labor is doomed to remain a slave. A master that does not appreciate the fruit of the slave is doomed to become a slave." Confusing? Hold my hand, and let's journey down the rabbit hole.

Anatomy of Desires: Who's the Real Master?

In essence, whatever you yearn for becomes your Master, and subsequently, you morph into its Slave. The Slave, to break free, must find value in their labor's fruits. If I relish gardening, your penalty of forcing me to tend it loses its sting; you'll need a fresh tactic.

The Fickle Master: A Tale of Two Faces

An unappreciative Master views the Slave as a mere tool, devoid of humanity. Driving the Slave to exhaustion or desertion, the Master, now faced with an unkempt garden, becomes the new Slave. Only upon the exit of the Slave does the Master truly comprehend the lost beauty. And the Slave? Could they ever ascend to Mastery?

The Slave's Ascendancy: Appreciation as the Key

For the Slave to break the chains, they must bask in their labor's fruits. Focusing merely on the task at hand, they overlook the blossoming garden, the fruits of their sweat. Whether facing an unappreciative or appreciative Master, their fate remains the same – bound in perpetual servitude.

Master-Slave Dynamics: A Ubiquitous Dance

This intricate mental warfare of Master and Slave is not confined to hypotheticals. It lurks around every corner of our lives, affecting friendships and romantic relationships alike.

Friendships: A Balancing Act

The Master-Slave dichotomy reveals itself when one party needs the other. Whether it's free hairdos, attention from the opposite sex, or car rides, dependency fuels the power dynamic. The true test of friendship arrives when the Slave gains independence – if the Master was unappreciative, separation looms. But if the insignia of Master and Slave dissipate, true friendship could flourish.

Romantic Relationships: A Power Play

Our society grooms' boys to be Masters – to dominate, protect, and provide. The man, desiring to be the head of the house, often finds himself as the unappreciative Master, pushing his female counterpart towards emotional exhaustion. This constant pushing and driving, absent appreciation, leaves the relationship barren. The woman, oblivious to her own worth, remains the Slave.

"Independent" Women: The Role Reversal

But what of the dependent woman striving for control, aspiring to be the Master? If a man appreciates his own worth, the woman risks becoming the unappreciative Master, doomed to become a Slave. This role reversal often victimizes husbands.

In every facet of our lives, the Master-Slave dynamic subtly operates, demanding appreciation as the antidote. Ignoring these fundamental dynamic risks missing the beauty of the ocean for the ripples in the water. In our ‘what-have-you-done-for-me-lately’ society, it's crucial to appreciate every action and its rippling effects on our lives. Remember, you are allowed to say no, and you are also allowed to appreciate.

Key Points:

  1. The Master-Slave dynamic is a mental game played in all aspects of life.
  2. Appreciation can shift the power balance, leading to a more equal dance.
  3. Friendships and relationships often hide this power struggle.
  4. The key to escaping this dynamic is finding value in your own work and worth.
  5. And remember, it’s a dance, not a war.

Unlocking Love: An Energy Game Not Everyone Understands

Mastering the Love Game: It's Not All About Getting Laid, It's About Energy!

Buckle up, pals! What I'm about to drop isn't about painting you as a "bad apple" or schooling you on how to score in the bedroom. You've got it wrong if that's what you thought. Nay, nay, nay, and oh, did I say nay?

It's All About the Energy, Baby!

See, making love isn't really about the sexy times; it's all about the energy. Yes, sex has its place (Audi R8, 0-100, 3.5 seconds, remember?), but it's more about the long run. So, for the uninitiated, let me put it straight: men are nozzles, women are buckets. And trust me, it ain't rocket science.

Falling In Love: A Bucket and Nozzle Story

So here's the rundown: women make men feel all the feels, and men, in turn, fill up those buckets. When a man's feeling the love consistently, he's in the 'momentum of love', or as the romantics call it, "in love." Similarly, when her bucket is consistently filled with love, she's in the momentum of love too.

Imagine a couple. Every day, she makes him feel loved, and in response, he fills her bucket with tokens of love. Could be sweet texts, thoughtful gifts, or his time - because let's face it, guys want to be where they feel the love. The more she makes him feel loved, the more he fills her bucket. If this goes on, the love energy reaches its zenith, and then - BAM! - sexual energy follows, and voila, we've got a thriving relationship on our hands!

The Art of Balancing Energy in Love

But life isn't always rainbows and butterflies. What if negativity fills her bucket? Or he feels down? In such situations, you play the game of "opposites attract," but not in the way you might think. When one's down and the other's up, both must strive to find a middle ground.

Imagine a scenario where every phone call or meeting is a bombardment of negativity. Your job is to counter that negative onslaught with a blast of love. Ditto for him. If he's just venting about a lousy day at work, make him feel loved. The negativity diminishes as love takes over.

And guess what? Whoever starts the negativity loses. You both have to gulp down your negative vibes and fill up each other's buckets with love. You'll find that as love replaces negativity, your bucket gets filled with more love, making you forget the bad vibes - the same goes for him.

Keeping the Momentum of Love Alive

Remember this mantra, and you'll always find yourself in the momentum of love. And if you're single, keep your potential partner in the momentum of love. You'll be amazed at how quickly it morphs into a relationship.

And hey, if you need help with any relationship issues, don't hesitate to reach out. Leave a comment, drop me an email, or simply stay tuned for more nuggets of wisdom.

And always remember, put your happiness first, because through your happiness, others can envision their own. That's the essence of love - and let me tell you, it's fuching fantastic!

Key Points:

  1. Making Love is About Energy: It's not just about getting laid; it's about building and sharing energy. Men, being the nozzles, and women, the buckets, this energy flow shapes the momentum of love.
  2. Falling in Love is a Continuous Process: When women make men feel loved consistently, and men keep filling her bucket with love, both find themselves in the momentum of love, building a thriving relationship.
  3. Negativity can be Countered with Love: Life has its fair share of ups and downs, which can fill our buckets with negativity. However, by countering the negative with love, you can steer the relationship towards positivity again.
  4. Balancing Love Energy is Essential: It's crucial to balance the love energy, especially when one partner is negative and the other is positive. Both partners need to strive to find a middle ground by promoting love.
  5. Keep the Momentum of Love Alive: Keeping this love energy flowing continuously can ensure a lasting relationship. Even if you're single, keeping a potential partner in the momentum of love can quickly bloom into a beautiful relationship.

The Chains of Love: How Emotions Bind Us

The Chains of Love & Attachment Theory

Alright, folks, hold onto your hats. I'm about to blow your mind with something I call the Chains of Love, a concept tied closely to my Attachment theory. Hear me out.

Emotional Attachments: The Universal Truth

We all have emotions tethered to something. Think of your favorite song, movie, or year. Ask yourself, "why is it my favorite?" The answer will probably be something comforting, a memory or an emotion.

Theory Explained: Emotional Triggers and Changing Vests

Now, let me lay it down for you. There are two ways to look at it: you've already got something that is your favorite and I attach myself to that, or I give you something to associate me with. All I need is a moment. A moment that will resonate with you unless replaced by another. I call this emotional trigger and changing vests.

Illustrative Scenario: Experiencing the Chains of Love

Let's walk you through an example. Picture yourself in an evening gown, at a beauty pageant. The slow jam, Brian McKnight's "Back at One", filling the air. You chose that song, and I pick up on that because it must mean something to you. Maybe it was your dad's favorite song as he and your mom danced in perfect harmony.

The Emotional Imprint: Tying it All Together

Fast forward, and you're at my place, five songs deep into a session of musical roulette, and guess what comes up? Brian McKnight's "Back at One". Our laughter fills the room, our smiles meet, and our flirtatious banter rides the rhythm of the song. I offer you a drink, leaving you alone with the song, stirring the cocktail of past and present.

Culmination: The Chain Effect

The next song is overtly sexual, and again, I notice your attentiveness. I ask why you chose that song but cut you off by moving closer. Our hearts race, filling you with a raw, primal instinct for love, like when Neo saved Trinity in The Matrix. This moment marks the difference in our future. Now, emotionally, I have been part of your life since the moment that song imprinted on your heart... I am now chained to your emotions, and you have to start back at one.

Wrapping Up: Assistance and Final Thoughts

I hope this elucidates my theory on emotional attachment. Remember, don't hesitate to reach out if you need help with any relationship matters, drop a comment, shoot me an email, or stay tuned.

Sign-Off: Being Gloriously Selfish

And always remember, be gloriously selfish. Let your joy radiate, inspiring others to view themselves the same way. "If you can't see your success, change your vantage pointe."

Key Points:

  1. The Chains of Love: A theory about emotional attachment to memorable moments and things.
  2. Emotional Trigger & Changing Vests: The mechanism by which emotions are attached and swapped between people.
  3. Significance of Music: Music as a powerful trigger for emotional memories and connections.
  4. Attachment in Action: An example of how attachment theory works in practice, using music as a conduit for emotional bonding.
  5. Be Gloriously Selfish: Emphasizing the importance of personal happiness, which can inspire similar positivity in others.

Decoding the "Bad Bitch" Phenomenon

Woman with thoughtful expression reflecting on societal labels and relationship choices.

A Rise of a New Class of Women

Ladies and gentlemen let's discuss a new kind of Sorority that's been making waves lately. "Bad Bitch" has emerged as a class, a self-identifier for women who own their strengths, their beauty, their "confidence", their feminine, and their so-called sexual thirsts.

The Gender Tug-of-War

Here's where things get interesting. Men have always been regarded as the "bad boys, or dogs" and now women feel the need to one-up them by self-identifying as "bad bitches". More baffling is that men are seemingly attracted to these bad bitches. We need to start disregarding what the media pushes and begin making conscious decisions about what we truly want.

The Packaging Dilemma

Still puzzled? Let me elaborate. What do you prioritize when choosing a mate? From my observations, a majority of women prefer the "bad boy", determined mainly by his appearance - his "packaging". Similarly, most men are drawn to a pretty face and attractive body. But is this superficial criteria what we genuinely seek in a partner?

The Ideal Mate

Contrary to popular belief, I propose that what we genuinely desire isn't the "perfect face and body", but rather someone we can engage in intellectual and sexual discourse with - someone with the perfect mind.

The Aftermath of Wrong Choices

When we repeatedly fail at choosing the right person, we tend to give up entirely. For women, this often leaves you open to be chosen instead, and for men, desperation might lead to being more open to all women, not just the "bad bitches".

Debunking the "Bad Bitch" Stereotype

The "bad bitch" label carries a sexually charged notion, and the thought of it is animalistic, considering "bitch" refers to a female dog. But are we not above these base instincts? We wouldn't tolerate a misbehaving dog in our homes, so why would we choose partners based on these primal urges?

Time, the Ultimate Truth-Teller

Time is the only real measure of whether someone is truly a "bad bitch" or a "bad boy". With the right energy, transformation is possible. She might not be the right fit for one man but perfect for you, provided you channel the right energy.

Celebrity Transformations - A Case in Point

Many examples from the entertainment industry support this theory. Think about the men who passed on Jennifer Hudson, Mo'Nique, Jill Scott, or Queen Latifah. Likewise, women who rejected Anthony Anderson, Randy Jackson, Seth Rogan, or Reuben Studdard must have regrets.


The essence of my argument is simple: it takes time to find the right mind, but when you do, everything else will fall into place. "Bad dogs" get disciplined and left outside. So, ignore societal pressures and pursue what your heart genuinely desires.

Key Points:

  1. Emergence of "Bad Bitch" as a self-identifier for women.
  2. The packaging dilemma: the focus on physical attributes over mental attributes in choosing a mate.
  3. The aftermath of wrong choices and the role of time in determining the "rightness" of a mate.
  4. Transformation is possible with the right energy and mindset.
  5. Encouraging individuals to ignore societal pressures and pursue what their heart genuinely desires.

Your Love, Your Rules: Unleash Your True Desires!

A beautiful woman left in the bed

Hey there, brave hearts! Ever wondered why your love life seems like a rollercoaster that only goes downhill? Let's untangle this mystery.

Taming the Rebel Heart

Fascinated by the wild side of love, aren't we all? You live this crazy, thrilling lifestyle because it sparks joy in your heart, just like that lightning bolt emoji you love to use. Yet, you find yourself drawn to someone totally opposite because, well, that's what they expect.

The world around you has expectations, huh? Your status in society comes with a manual for the 'right' partner. Does this sound familiar?

The Confidence Conundrum

It all boils down to one thing: Confidence. Yes, my friend, it's that simple and that complex. The partner you choose is a mirror of your confidence, and if you're too scared to embrace your true desires, that reflection gets blurry.

Ever had that thought? She must have been this wild and exciting for someone else. If she hadn't, you wouldn't be drawn to her. Simple logic, right?

Breaking the Chains

Here's where it gets interesting: You suppress your true feelings, choosing what you believe others want you to have. But hey, where's your happiness in this scenario?

Time to make a decision, folks. Love women who love women? Bring your partner home and introduce her as part of your family. It's your happiness on the line, after all.

Decisions, Decisions

What if you bring home her new BFF, and then you cheat on her or worse? Sounds like a twisted sitcom, doesn't it? But it's real life for some. True manhood is about making decisions, not wallowing in indecision.

The world is your oyster, love rebels. Go after what makes your heart sing! For more insights, leave a comment, keep reading, or simply just stay tuned. We're in this journey together. Remember, I'm here to assist you with your romantic quests. It's time to live by Your Love, Your Rules!


  1. Your Love, Your Rules: Don't let society dictate your romantic choices.
  2. Confidence is Key: Your choice of partner reflects your confidence.
  3. Be Decisive: Make choices that align with your happiness.

You've Charmed Your Way to Success... What's Next?

Unleashing the Genuine Love Game

Been parroting "fake it till you make it"? Time to drop that chant and introduce a new catchphrase: "Genuine Love Game". I touched upon the societal construct of boys playing with Barbie Dolls, Baby Dolls, and just being boys. That's where we learn to flex our muscles - strategy, dominance, competitiveness, camaraderie. But for those men who didn't participate in this instinctive training, they are on a different quest - they seek advice.

Playing Hitch - the Genuine Love Game Approach

If you're in the role of a Hitch remake, strategically aiming to win a particular lady's heart, then cheers to you! The fact that you're seeking advice on your genuine love game tells me you're aware of your boundaries, your identity, and your audacity to chase what you desire.

The Misguided Love Gladiators

For the others, who couldn't score in high school, college, or even life, anger becomes your companion. Recall our discussion on suppression theory - it's a revelation of what's happening within you. You've imprisoned those desires, turning from a victim to a Sensei. But if you're exploiting your power against the untrained, aren't you the new oppressor?

Your scoop and score record may have skyrocketed post-"training", but is that the essence of your genuine love game? Or are you just showcasing your might against the oblivious? Remember, your target isn't your past rejections, but an unsuspecting person who doesn't know your grip on her heart.

Genuine Love Game Runs on Premium Energy

Any man overflowing with the premium energy of love doesn't say, "She's drop-dead gorgeous, I want her for tonight". Your suppressed sexual energy is like a shaken soda can - ready to burst. It overpowers your normal state, pushing you into a tiresome loop. You charm her, unravel her emotions, while concealing yours. You reflect a machismo facade that you think women find irresistible. But it's a ticking time bomb because you can't keep pretending. You faked it till you made it, but what about your genuine love game?

Navigating the Genuine Love Game

If you need a compass in the labyrinth of love, I'm here. Leave a comment, tune in, or continue reading. And don't forget, be unapologetically selfish - because through your joy, others find their reflection.

Key Points

  1. Childhood playtime impacts the adult genuine love game.
  2. Seeking advice is strength, not weakness.
  3. The repercussions of suppressed desires.
  4. The pitfalls of a machismo facade in love.
  5. How to improve your genuine love game.

The Duck Test in Love: A Reality Check for Your Dating Life

A pair of ducks symbolizing a romantic couple.

Cracking the Duck Test in Love: A Guide for Better Relationships

Ever heard of the duck test? "If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, it must be a duck." Sound familiar? This instant 'logic' isn't just for bird identification - it plays a huge role in your romantic choices too. Baffled? It's high time we talk about 'heuristics', the mind's shortcut to solving complex problems.

Ladies, and the Duck Test in Love

You spot a dapper man, and your mind quickly tags him as clean, disease-free - looks like a duck, right? Maybe you see a man in a crisp suit, and you label him as someone important - talks like a duck, perhaps? The trickiest heuristic of all - men think with their "other head". That, my dear ladies, is oversimplifying a hugely complex process.

Gents, Duck Test isn't just for Ladies

Us gents also fall prey to the duck test in love. We lean on inductive reasoning – making decisions based on past experiences. Looks like a duck, talks like a duck, walks like a duck - has to be a duck. This evolutionary hangover influences not just our diet or workouts, but our approach to dating too.

The Battle-Ready Love Game

Let's be honest, we, men, care about self-preservation. Our survival ensures the tribe's survival. Every 'conquest' adds to our strategy, evolving it into a complex game. But beware, at some point, the lines blur between genuine feelings and the thrill of the chase.

Time - Your Best Ally in Love

Time is a magical salve. It provides a safe haven, a space to untangle energies. Love energy needs to precede sexual energy for a lasting relationship. Our 'fight or flight' response can often be mistaken for the "wrong head" thinking, but that subsides once we feel safe. Trust me, it's easier than it sounds.

Invest Time, Reap Love

Avoiding the pitfalls of the duck test in love calls for investing time in each other. The only thing that appreciates with time is real estate. Make sure your investment is in the right plot.

Trust me, this post has the potential to reshape your romantic world.

Need relationship guidance? I'm here for you. Comment, read on, or stay tuned.

And remember, it's okay to be selfish - your happiness can be the mirror others need to see their own.

"If you can't see your success, change your vantage pointe."

Key Points

  1. How the "Duck Test in Love" affects our romantic choices.
  2. Understanding heuristic mapping and inductive reasoning in relationships.
  3. The critical role of time in fostering genuine relationships.

Cracking the Friend Zone: Unleash Your Confidence!

Couple breaking free from the friend zone, embracing new possibilities.

The Friend Zone Dilemma: Embrace Confidence and Take Charge

Okay, listen up! It's time to face the hard truth I told you years ago: men and women can't just be friends, at least not until after you're married. Wondering why you ended up in the friend zone? Well, I'll be blunt—it's because of you. Yep, I said it. YOU are the freaking problem. But fear not, my friend, because I'm here to guide you out of that abyss. Get ready for a reality check that will make you swear off the friend zone forever. Let's dive in!

The Attraction Factor: It's More Than Just Friendship

Let's set the record straight. You didn't just walk up to each other and say, "Hey, let's be friends." There was something that initially sparked your interest. You could argue it was school or work that brought you together, but that's a low self-esteem way of thinking, and it's time to toss that idea out the window. Release the contract you have with that notion. Sure, you may have crossed paths in class or at work, but the fact that you're hanging out beyond those obligations should clue you in, genius.

Boost Your Confidence: From Faking It to Making It

Now, let's talk about confidence. You had the confidence to engage in those after-hours activities. No, not necessarily sex (keep up, will you?). I've got a mantra for you: "You faked it until you made it, now what?" You faked having SWAG, and guess what? Unless you're truly oblivious, you've got it! The time has come to unleash your inner charisma and start acting on it. And now, let's get to the juicy stuff.

Understanding the Energy Game: Winning Hearts and Minds

Energy, my friend, is the secret ingredient. If you're a guy trying to win over that lucky lady who currently sees you as just a friend, let me set things straight—she's not your friend, bro. She's the object of your affection, the apple of your eye. So, what are you doing wrong? You're leaving her hanging. Picture this: your car and its gas tank. Your car represents her, and you fill her up with premium love energy. You take her on romantic outings and do everything that screams "romance." But here's the catch—it's not truly romantic unless there's genuine passion, genius. To fill her tank to the brim, you need to provide that super high-octane, sexual energy. If you fail to give her that, you make it easy for any random person off the street to swoop in and steal her heart by delivering that missing piece. You've done all the groundwork for me—the more confident gentleman. I just need to provide that sexual energy, and voilà, you're officially on the back burner, while I decide your fate. But here's the kicker—you're more confident than you realize.

No More Settling: Embrace Your Desires and Speak Up

Ah, the classic "I don't want to ruin the friendship" dilemma. Is something better than nothing? Hell no! Something is only better than nothing if that's all you truly want. But if you crave more, you've got to go out and get it. Here's a tip: stop being freaking timid and tell her how you feel. Timidity only arises when confidence is lacking. Take her saying she wants to be friends in one of two ways: 1. She's just as scared as you are and is letting you off the hook with the "friends" label. 2. You're not man enough in her eyes—at least not yet. You need to create that impulse buy, like those limited-time offers you see in commercials. Suppose she brings up being friends again; you cut ties without further explanation. She'll be left wondering what happened, and you simply tell her that you wanted more. No need to elaborate. Walk away with that level of confidence, and trust me, she'll feel a surge of attraction. Boom! She better make a decision, and fast. With your newfound confidence, girls like her will be magnetized to you from all directions.

Embrace Your Confidence and Let Him Chase

Ladies, here's the deal. You just need to embrace your confidence and let him come to you. But if you want to release some of that tension, put him in situations that force him to make a decision. Picture this: you're face-to-face for whatever reason, and you grab him, waiting for that long-awaited kiss. If he doesn't seize the moment, he lacks the confidence to be with you. And guess what? He'll never be able to fill your bucket, so it's on to the next one. Women have it easy in this game—all you need is confidence. We'll take care of the rest. And if we're not stepping up, then it's time to reevaluate what you're attracting. It all starts with your thoughts. Make a list of all the things you want in a man, and I mean every single thing. If he can't check off every item, well, you know what's going to happen. Let your confidence guide your choices, and watch as you attract the partner you truly desire.

The Moral of the Story: Confidence is Everything

Here's the bottom line: confidence is key. There's no such thing as opposite-sex besties—at least not in the way you think. Someone is not keeping it real. But fear not, I'm here for you. Leave a comment below to share your thoughts. Oh, and if you want a shortcut to understanding buckets and nozzles (you'll get it, trust me), check out this, that, and the other thing. Suppressing your feelings will only lead to explosions at the wrong time, expressing the wrong ideas, and being misunderstood.

If you need help with relationships, I'm here to assist. Leave a comment, keep reading, and stay tuned.

And always remember, be freaking selfish—through your happiness, others can find inspiration within themselves.

Key Points:

  1. Recognize that attraction goes beyond just friendship.
  2. Build and unleash your confidence to make a move.
  3. Understand the role of energy in creating a romantic connection.
  4. Communicate your true feelings and desires without hesitation.
  5. Embrace your confidence and let it magnetize potential partners.
  6. For women, have confidence and create situations that prompt action.
  7. Assess your attraction based on your desired qualities in a partner.
  8. Confidence is the key to unlocking romantic possibilities.
  9. There's no such thing as true opposite-sex besties.
  10. Let your happiness inspire others to find their own self-confidence.

Rediscover Harmony: The Art of Re-Leasing and Re-Creating Love

A couple renewing their vows under a romantic archway.

Unraveling the Re-Lease Love Concept

Every relationship is a contract—a lease of love and commitment between two parties. However, like any contract, if one party isn't fulfilling their part or there's a miscommunication, it's time to rewrite the terms and "Re-Lease Love".

The Currency of Beliefs

Sounds like we're spinning a love fairytale? Let's discuss money to illustrate this concept of Re-Lease Love.

The world often believes that wealth only accompanies the corrupt or the exceptionally lucky—a lease signed between society and an erroneous belief. This contract essentially states: if I'm not wealthy, I'm not crooked or overly fortunate. It's time to revoke that lease!

Why? Because it's baseless—you're neither crooked nor excessively lucky just because you desire to be financially stable. It's time to re-negotiate the terms with your beliefs and sign a new lease—one that empowers and uplifts you.

The Dinner Date Dilemma

Imagine a couple who decide not to dine out often. Yet, at every opportunity, one of them suggests hitting their favorite restaurant. This inconsistency hints at a breached agreement—an opportunity to Re-Lease Love. Perhaps one of them assumed 'not often' meant 'not every weekend', while the other took it as 'never'. To restore harmony, they need to re-clarify and re-agree on the terms of their pact.

The Fight and Release Paradox

In a previous post, we highlighted that men release sexual energy through fights, while women receive it. Arguments serve a purpose—they're pressure valves for men and fillers for women's emotional reservoir. They're opportunities to Re-Lease Love and reach an emotional equilibrium. However, an argument without making up afterwards, in whatever form resonates with the couple, is akin to using a public restroom—you get temporary relief but not complete satisfaction.

Re-Leasing Love - 100% Accountability

The golden key to effectively Re-Lease Love? Absolute accountability. Understand your actions, the reasons behind your words, the triggers for your fights. When you take 100% responsibility, you can predict and possibly prevent recurring arguments. You unclasp your emotional nozzle, allowing love to flow freely. She removes the brick from her emotional bucket, becoming receptive to your love.

Key Points

  1. Understand and apply the concept of Re-Lease Love.
  2. Re-negotiate your agreements when required.
  3. Use disagreements as opportunities to release and receive love.
  4. Adopt 100% accountability to maintain a healthy emotional balance.

The Trap of Hookups: Why They Rarely Turn into Something More

Two glasses of red wine being clinked together on a table full of candles and roses.

Unmasking the Hookup Dilemma

Does cupid ever strike in a hookup situation? It's as rare as a blue moon, and here's why.

The Illusion of the Perfect Match

When you're set up by a friend or stumble upon an attractive profile on a dating site, what you see is a polished representation—engaging, impressive, and tantalizing. And you know what we call it? The Hookup Dilemma.

Let me give you a sneak peek into my playboy past, not to brag, but to make a point. There was this lady I knew—let's call her Miss X. No romantic emotions between us, but I had a buddy who loved to mingle just like me. One day, playing the ultimate wingman, I introduced the idea of him to her, painting a picture of a man with quirks and qualities I knew would fascinate her.

The Dangerous Lure of Potential

Buckle up, because this is where we dive deep into the heart of the Hookup Dilemma.

When I introduced my friend to Miss X, I did it with a tantalizing twist—I painted his flaws as virtues. Yes, he was an ass, but according to my narrative, that was just a façade hiding his sensitive side.

Miss X fell head over heels for this image of him, feeding off the potential she thought she saw. She forgave his arrogance, reasoning that it was just a defense mechanism guarding his feelings. She treated him like a long-term partner, pampering him with gifts and acts of service.

Breaking the Bar of Equality

The real culprit behind the Hookup Dilemma is the breaking of the Bar of Equality. In our story, I unknowingly distorted this balance. By presenting an inflated image of my friend, I artificially raised the expectations, paving the way for her to fall in love with a potential that was far from reality.

The truth, but twisted in a deceptive frame—that's what I call "true lies". In the illusion of knowing him better, she was robbed of the chance to make an informed decision about his real personality.

This isn't just about one anecdote from my past. The same pattern is echoed in online dating sites and friends' hookups everywhere.

Key Points

  1. Understand the Hookup Dilemma - the illusion of the perfect match.
  2. Beware of the dangerous lure of potential.
  3. Don't let the Bar of Equality be broken - keep expectations realistic.
  4. Always remember, appearances can be deceiving.

Sparks and Seduction: Igniting Passion and Ending Arguments!

Couple embracing passionately, finding balance in their relationship.

Embrace the Art of Seduction: Sparks That Vanish Arguments

Ready to turn up the heat and banish those pesky arguments? Brace yourself as we dive into the captivating world of seduction. But first, let's set the stage with a quick recap.

Love Buckets and Energy: The Seductive Connection

You're already on board with the concept of love buckets for women and energy nozzles for men. It's time to explore how energy manifests itself in three enticing forms. Regular energy, the slow burner; premium energy, the love booster; and super high octane, the fiery fuel. Remember, seduction is all about harnessing this energy to create irresistible sparks.

Unleash the Seductive Powers: From Negative to Passionate

Picture this: you're feeling negative, a cloud of gloom surrounds you. But here's where seduction works its magic. Super high octane energy can intensify those negative feelings, turning them into a burning desire for connection. On the flip side, when you're fueled by love energy, super high octane becomes the catalyst that ignites passion like never before. It's a seductive dance of emotions.

The Battle of the Sexes: Seduction Unveiled

Men and women fight for different reasons, driven by their distinctive energy dynamics. Women seek arguments when their energy levels drop, craving a quick recharge. Think of those trivial arguments that erupt into something bigger—they're an attempt to refuel their love buckets. On the other hand, men with excessive energy need an outlet, leading them to fight, argue, or indulge in sexual encounters. It's a primal response seeking balance.

Seduction as the Solution: Intimacy to the Rescue

Ready for the secret weapon to end arguments? It's time to embrace the power of seduction—specifically, sexual intimacy. When you engage in passionate lovemaking, men release super high-octane energy while women receive it, translating into love energy. It's a delicate equilibrium that restores balance and dissipates tension. The effects are remarkable men become too relaxed to argue, and women are energized beyond the need for conflicts.

The Reset Button: Balancing Energy, Love, and Desire

In relationships, we need each other to find balance. It's like stepping into a puddle, soaking your socks. You feel a surge of frustration while trying to complete your tasks. Similarly, arguments arise when both partners are out of sync energetically. The key is to recognize that most arguments stem from external factors, not personal attacks. Instead of adding fuel to the fire, offer love and understanding, allowing your partner to release negative energy and refuel with love.

The Road to Bliss: Seductive Solutions

Ninety percent of arguments can be defused by recognizing external triggers and responding with love and compassion. Remember, you're a team, and your love for each other can conquer any challenges that come your way. So, indulge in a seductive dance, playfully filling each other's buckets with love energy. Find pleasure in the rewards of your efforts and let the passion between you reignite like never before.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Seduction is the key to ending arguments and fueling passion.
  2. Energy dynamics differ between men and women, leading to fights for different reasons.
  3. Sexual intimacy is a powerful tool to restore balance and dissipate tension.
  4. External factors often trigger arguments—offer love and understanding instead of fueling the fire.
  5. Embrace seduction as a way to connect deeply and reignite the passion in your relationship.